You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
- Song, Z., & Jung, J. H. (2020). The exact formula of the optimal penalty parameter value of the spectral penalty method for differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 381, 125313. ELSEVIER
- Song, Z., & Taylor, D. (2023). Coupling Asymmetry Optimizes Collective Dynamics over Multiplex Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 11 (2), 1524-1541. arXiv TNSE
- Song, Z., & Taylor, D. (2024). Laplacian Spectra of Multiplex Networks with Asymmetric Coupling. To be submitted in 2024.
- Boyd, Z., Lee, E., Song, Z., & Mucha, P. (2024). You Need to Explain How You Thresholded. To be submitted in 2024.